Oops! What have I done?!!

OK, I admit it was a stupid thing to do, but I started Config while File Tagger was running, and got this error:

[code]Range check error

06 May 2008, 15:07:31

Program Version 2.1.44 Build 490

Call stack:

(003AA2D5) [007AB2D5]
(0000207E) [0040307E]
(003AA2D5) [007AB2D5]
(00085CC9) [00486CC9]
(00085985) [00486985]
(00003999) [00404999]
(0008595C) [0048695C]
(0008F622) [00490622]
(00000DAE) [00401DAE]
(0008EB1D) [0048FB1D]
(004CB944) [008CC944][/code]

Config then seemed to run fine but on closer inspection it was using ‘default’ settings and there was no ‘Playlist’ branch (!).

I then re-copied v490 EXE and got the same. I tried a reboot and got the same. I then installed the latest v505 snapshot and got (surprise!):

[code]Range check error

06 May 2008, 15:26:07

Program Version 2.1.44 Build 505

Call stack:

(003AC991) [007AD991]
(0000207E) [0040307E]
(003AC991) [007AD991]
(00085CC9) [00486CC9]
(00085985) [00486985]
(00003999) [00404999]
(0008595C) [0048695C]
(0008F622) [00490622]
(00000DAE) [00401DAE]
(0008EB1D) [0048FB1D]
(004CD944) [008CE944][/code]

Since then I have been unable to open Config at all, so I’m assuming there is something wrong in my INI file(s), which I attach for Herr Doktor to tell me what to change/remove.

Note that it is ONLY the Config which no longer works: mAirList itself, and the File Tagger, still both work fine.

PLEASE tell me what Config is complaining about in my INI files?!! Thanks in advance.

PS: Also, are there any redundant entries in any of my files?


CadIniFiles.zip (5.95 KB)

At a guess, possibly:

Device=BASS::“1”::“Default Device”::0::44100
PFLDevice=BASS::“1”::“Default Device”::0::44100

Old type of device setting… You can also remove the other device settings from mairlist.in as their contained in their own file now.

Please also download the mAirList.map file to your mAirList program folder. This will make the call stacks even more detailed.

Yes, I’ll have to download the MAP.

Can I also ask whether device settings in the format:

which exist in my mairlist.ini—and anywhere and everywhere except in devices.ini—can also be safely removed?


Ah, yes, that’s what you already said, Charlie: sorry! (Did I mention I’d been ill? ;))


Right then!

I have removed all the DEVICE stuff in mairlist.ini and I’ve added the ARTIST font lines to skin.ini.

I also got the MAP file and this is the result.

[code]Range check error

06 May 2008, 19:46:21

Program Version 2.1.44 Build 505

Call stack:

[007AD991] ConfigMain.ConfigMain.TConfigForm.FormCreate (Line 1052, “ConfigDialog\ConfigMain.pas” + 220) + $29
[0040307E] System.System.ErrorAt + $16
[007AD991] ConfigMain.ConfigMain.TConfigForm.FormCreate (Line 1052, “ConfigDialog\ConfigMain.pas” + 220) + $29
[00486CC9] Forms.Forms.TCustomForm.DoCreate + $31
[00486985] Forms.Forms.TCustomForm.AfterConstruction + $11
[00404999] System.System.@AfterConstruction + $1D
[0048695C] Forms.Forms.TCustomForm.Create + $174
[00490622] Forms.Forms.TApplication.NotifyForms + $A
[00401DAE] System.System.SysGetMem + $33A
[0048FB1D] Forms.Forms.TApplication.CreateForm + $31
(004CD944) [008CE944][/code]

Hope that helps!


Got it: Your EndMonDuration is too large. Obviously, you changed it manually in mAirList.ini. Remember that in the latest releases, there’s still the 32767 limitation.

Brilliant deduction, young Doktor!

Yes, I changed EndMonDuration manually; and since then, I had not tried to open the mAirList Config program.

I should add for the benefit of anyone else wanting to manually change EndMonDuration to a large value: it works fine in all parts of mAirList with the single exception (geddit?!?!!) of mAirList Config. For the moment, you will have to change the EndMonDuration value back to a number <=32767 if you want to start mAirList Config.

Thanks again, Torben!


Call me Doctor Watson (no, not that Windows-“Tool”).