Newscontainer issue after opening

Last week I had to create new news container (for use in the future)
I have opened the current news containers and didn’t change anything, only opened every tab to see and check the settings. Now the current newscontainers seems to have an start next timer. Sometimes the news item is cut off and the next item is started early. Sometimes the news is done and the bed is still running for a few seconds.
In the report the duration times are all different, so I really wonder what this could be!

Seems like when opening a news container, mAirlist assigns some sort of start next cue. Even it isn’t vissible.

None of the other settings were changed, so this can’t be the issue. Do not prebufefer is on in the newsbulletin aswel in the newscontainer!
I just opened the items and without making any change whatsoever. The news haven’t played properly since that moment.
Hope you can have a look at this?

Just one note. I have updated mAirlist to version 7.3 build 5627 the same day the issue started.

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I have the same issue since I updated from 7.3 to 7.3.1
My news container is playing & a few seconds later the next item start to play …

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I’m uploading snapshot 5631 5630. Can you quickly check if it’s OK again?

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Hi torben.
I Will check the new version this afternoon and will reply as soon as i tried the update.

I will check asap.

Ps : the snapchat on the website shows 5630

Sorry, it was a typo, 5630 is correct.

I will do some testing in a few moments using the build 5630 update.
Just a few more questions to make sure everything is set well in the newscontainer. I have these settings for some years now without any problem, but I just want to check them before do the testing:

For the news item (Spoken text without any imaging):

  • There are no cue points set at all
  • ‘do not prebuffer’ is checked as ‘on’

For the news opener:

  • Only the cue in, start next cue points are set. (Start next will start the news bed)
  • None of the options are checked as ‘on’

For the news bed:

  • Only the cue in, start next cue points are set. (Start next will start the spoken news item)
  • None of the options are checked as ‘on’

For the news closer:

  • Cue in, start next and cue out cue points are set. (Start next will start the next item in the playlist.)
  • None of the options are checked as ‘on’

Then for the newscontainer:

  • None of the cue points are set
  • ‘Do not prebuffer’ and ‘automatically redo auto cue everytime the file is opened’ are checked as ‘on’.

As I wrote, I just want to check these settings before I do testings wich aren’t right.
Hope you can confirm my settings are correct. Otherwise I would like to know what the correct settings are for these items. Then I will do the testing with build 5630

The issue still remains in build 5630. @Torben, Is there any info you want to recieve to see what is going wrong?

When looking in the mixeeditor, it seems like the news item itself is creating the problem.
Somewhere when playing this item within the container, the next item in the playlist gets started randomly. The newscontainer keeps playing and you hear them togheter.

Next thing I will try is to delete the news file from the database and set it up again after synchronising the folder within the database.

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Can you please create a playlist with only your News Container, save it into an empty folder as MLPE Export Playlist (audio files will be copied to the same folder), zip it and upload it to Nextcloud - thank you!

After reimporting the news audio file and put the settings like mentioned above, there still seem some issues with the playout. Now the next playlist item is started as soon as the closer starts. You hear the next playlist item and the closer at the same moment.
A lot of information, but I hope it is helpfull somehow.

@Torben, I just uploaded the files you asked for.

If u need the setting of the specific items or any other info, please let me know.

For me the same. The issue stays the same with new snapshot 5630

My news container start. While the news is playing, the next track start to play …

I think I found the problem. Test build 5631 please.

Containers have an implicit Start Next marker that is calculated from the Start Next or Fade Out marker of the last item in the container.

For News Containers, this must be calculated as the very last step, after checking the duration of the current news files. I accidentally removed that call when fixing the container-related bug in v7.3.1.


Torben … I just installed and tested build 5631.
Everything is working as before with the news container.

Thanks for the quick help …


The update to build 5631 seem to solve the issue. I been listening several hours and now the timing is back how it should be.
@Torben Thanks for your help in finding the issue and that u solved it this fast!


Thank you. I will upload v7.3.2 today. But there will probably be no further changes, to you can just keep using the snapshot for the moment.