News container

Hi Torben / Uli

I have a question did we set up right for the news container

At the end the music bed is starting but i do not seeing it under the talk

WHat do we wrong


Hey man, I’m not Torben but may I help you.
You use your music bed as Opener and Openers always stay infront of your content!
So you have to put your NIEUWS FILLER in the column for music bed.

Yes it works , thanks

and what does Bumper mean?

Groeten Robert

a bumper will be played between 2 news items.
For instance, you have a seperate news and a seperate weather audiofile, you drop them both inside the content of the newscontainer. mAirlist will play the bumper in between the files.

Yes, that is the idea. Not especially to seperate news and weather (it’s possible, of course), more for news consisting of 5 different reports (?), all divided by the bumper.
So you can change the order of the single reports, or replace the oldest by an actual one and so on. You only have to change the filename of each report (which is always the same in the container).

By example, when I woke up this morning, at 6 a.m. Germany’s semi-final win over France at Women’s EURO 2022 was the opening (lead) news report; 2 hours later it was at placed 3rd in the news.

Usually, I would use for news and weather two different news containers, but this is an individual decision.