New Forum Design

Hmm … it will take me quite a while to get used to this ‘new look!’ :-\

The new ‘smilies’ are particularly garish and childish looking compared to the old ones IMHO. :stuck_out_tongue:

I suppose this is ‘progress’ … ? [FX: mutter, grumble …]

Cad (full-time ‘grumpy old man’) :smiley:

I have updated the forum to SMF 2.0, which has finally been released this weekend.

I think I need a few days to get used to the new default design, yes. If you’re “old school” (how did I know that it would be you starting this thread, Cad?), you can switch to the old theme in your profile settings. On the “Design and Layout” page, right at the top, there is the option to change the theme. The old one is called “core” and should look pretty much like the old forum. Some fonts seem to have changed though.

If you mean in Profile Settings, then yes: the page exists; but no: there is no option to change theme! Maybe you see that option because you are the administrator, but us users do not?

No big deal; I’m starting to get used to it now! :wink:


If you want, you can try again now - the option that allows each users to pick an individual theme was turned off and is now on again.