NAS Storage and PostGree database

One of the options we are looking at is storing all audio on Synonology NAS which can be accessed from multiple PC’s. In this case, can we install Mairlist as Local Database and use the file tagger application from another PC on the network to tag the audio that is stored on the NAS? Will the cue marks reflect in the playout?

This is simple to test.
make a new database ,20 songs in it and try it from different pc’s to tag the file’s.

My database is on an external hard drive and works the same.
the pc where the hard drive hangs writes the tag’s to the database.

I think you get in trouble when you acces the database from 2 pc’s at the same time.

Place al songs and the database file on the nas and make sure the path is the same on evry pc.

The NAS is fine for storing the actual audio files.

But the local mode DB (database file) is not meant for a networked setup. It can easily happen that you break your database file.

You must use a networked SQL backend in this scenario (PostgreSQL or MSSQL).

Some people managed to use the internal PostgreSQL server built into the Synology NAS for this, but this is some sort of a hack.