Off-topic (sorry! :-[), but has anyone else tried Similarity aka Music Similarity?
I ‘bumped into’ this for the first time today, and wondered whether anyone else has tried it, and whether it is as good as it claims to be at audio (and tag-based) comparisons and ‘fuzzy’ comparisons of audio files?
The P2P aspect of it (required for registration if you go for the Premium version: max. $35) is slightly concerning, but again, I wonder if others have tried that? Seems to ‘extend the database’ into the cloud as I understand the blurb.
There is a ‘standard’ (non-crippled, non-expiring freeware) and a Premium version, the latter with ‘lots’ :-\ more features including an allegedly near-100%-accurate ‘new and improved’ audio comparison algorithm.
Comments and thoughts welcome. Could be one for the Standard Toolkit if works as described, joining mp3DirectCut, MP3Gain, Mp3-Tag Studio, and the Orban Loudness Meter (and Nero Wave Editor, if you have some version of Nero installed).