Multiple selection of items in Playlist

It would be helpful to be able to Shift+click and/or Ctrl+click items in the Playlist when using drag/drop (and I agree, Torben, it is a pain to program drag/drop, isn’t it?) to move them to another position in the Playlist; similar to selecting and moving multiple files between directories in Explorer.

I think this would make it easier to reshuffle a Playlist (but the programmer in me says it would be a sod to actually program this!).

Anyone else think this would be useful?


Once Version 2.0 is out, I will completely revise the playlist component, switching from the Delphi built-in Grid classes to Virtual Treeview. This will make many useful features possible, suche as multi select, expandable/collapsable playlist item comments etc.

Right now, my focus is to prepare the stable 2.0 release.
