Multiple Instances possible

Not really a bug, but maybe a request…

Currently it’s possible to start multiple instances of mAirList. (I don’t know if some others do require this…)
As we have mAirList in the Quicklaunchbar, users are constantly double-clicking on the icon an starting at least 2 instances of mAirList.

Hmm, as I don’t know if other have more instances running, could we have maybe a key in the ini that would allow/prevent multiple instances?
I believe that could be something “off the shelf” for the next release… or if it’s already there please point me to where I might find it. ;D


Configuration -> Miscellaneous -> Options -> Only allow one mAirList instance running at the same time

Yeah! I doubt it was there…
Thanks for pointing me into the right direction!



I just noticed we checked that ons, so it’s a bug!

Put a shorcut into the quicklaunchbar and try it yourself… Just double-click on it. (But do it in a real windows environment. Not an emulation on your mac)

Works everytime here.


Just tried it (on Windows XP running virtualized on my Mac, I hope that counts as a “real Windows environment” for you; my nearest real PC hardware is 1133km away from me, Google Maps says) - no problem here. If you click it while an instance is already running, no second instance will be started but the first one will be brought to front.

Why would you double-click a Quicklaunch icon?

Why would you double-click a Quicklaunch icon?

My Gosh!!!
Ask the people here!? Because the people are used to double-click on the icons.
This double-click also hapened to me already. ???

OK, never mind… (I’m a bit upset now…) I will disable the Quicklaunch toolbar now. That’s at least a workaround!
