Multi Instance Shortcuts question

I wonder if it is possible to have ‘playout or database buttons’ from the ‘Multi Instance Manager’ as shortcut on the desktop.
If that is possible you don’t have to open the multi instance manager to run a specific configuration So DJ’s can open different instances in a simple way with different Configurations/Layouts (e.g.Live show / Voicetracking). You don’t have to worry they open unwanted (Configuration) software like this.
This is the Multi Instance Manager:
Multiinstance printscreen

I would like to have the 4 playout buttons on the desktop like this:

(This is an example with empty shortcuts, just to visualize what I would like to achieve)

By using special command line parameters, it is possible to specify a different folder as the main data folder (or parts thereof), and thus having multiple mAirList.exe processes (instances) running at the same time, and using separate configuration sets.

Our Multi Instance Manager application facilitates this process, but you can also specify these parameters manually. Both options are described in this article.

(tutorials:other:multi_instance_playout [mAirList Wiki])

We learned above that mAirList will usually put all configuration into C:\ProgramData\mAirList\<version>, the so-called root data folder. However it is possible to override this folder using the command line switch -rootfolder. For example:

mAirList.exe -rootfolder C:\mAirList\myconfig

will use C:\mAirList\myconfig as the root data folder. Likewise, you can run the config application for that data folder with

mAirList.exe -mode config -rootfolder C:\mAirList\myconfig

You can easily create a shortcut to mAirList.exe on your Desktop (or somewhere else), open its Properties, and add the -rootfolder parameter to the Target field.


So in order to set up multiple mAirList instances, just create one or more root data folders (initially empty, or a copy of an existing root data folder), and a set of shortcuts (at least for the playout and config app) with the appropriate -rootfolder command line parameter.

(tutorials:other:multi_instance_playout [mAirList Wiki])

Please find more in the links to the sections of this wiki article.

Hi Uli,
Thx for your fast reply!

I was looking in that wiki page, but clearly not well enough!
Somehow when starting the software for the first time you’ll get the message to import a confuguration from another instance. Even while the config is already made in that folder.
I solved this by creating a new empty config folder at another place and load a backup from the instance configuration configuration in the new config folder after starting the software.

As you know I am setting up a pretty complex setup at this moment. Last weeks I am finding even more hidden treasures in the software :wink:

Unfortunattly I responded too soon before testing too wel. This strange thing occur now.

I have created a shortcut to the standard mAirlist.exe file wich is located in the ‘program files (x86)\mAirlist7’ folder.
When adding one of these text to the target of the shortcut as shown in the tutorial:

-mode config -rootfolder C:\mAirlist\Intances\01 - Test Instance
-rootfolder C:\mAirlist\Intances\01 - Test Instance

I get the standard popup message there is no licence available for this instance. That’s strange, since I am trying to run the normal mAirlist Software including parameters.
When running the software (and config) from the multi instance app, it is working fine.

Do you have any idea how to solve this?

These are the complete target text of the shortcut wich I tried:

“C:\Program Files (x86)\mAirList 7\mAirList.exe” -mode config -rootfolder C:\mAirlist\Intances\01 - Test Instance
“C:\Program Files (x86)\mAirList 7\mAirList.exe” -rootfolder C:\mAirlist\Intances\01 - Test Instance

It can be solved by activating the license wich is already available on that device
Problem fixed.
But still strange you’ll get the license problem at first i guess