Mouse issue

Hello Torben

I have a question regarding that the mouse is moving to fast over the playlist. So were are having some difficulties to paste or move a number in the playlist. Do i need to set the mouse options in windows slower. Does this resolve the problem ?



You could certainly try to adjust the mouse settings. First, however, are you using an optical mouse directly over a reflective surface or mousepad? I’ve had quick, sometimes erratic, mouse rtesponse but solved the problem by changing to a duller surface.

Regards, Alec M

Hi ALec


This happens only when you are using a second playlist. I am using one again, but when you try to place an mp3 from the folder three the feeld scrolls to quick.



So you’re not talking about the mouse cursor, but about the speed the playlist is scrolling when you drag an item into it and move the cursor near the top or bottom of the playlist?

That is in fact a setting controlled by the application, and I can probably make it configurable (through a hidden gui.ini line).

Great if you can. This happens only when you are using 2 playlists or more. One is no problem
