Is it possible to include a mix editor in the software. So you can see the waves from the songs ? E.g.: Dalet is a (for me, expensive) software which can do that.
Hi MIGY and welcome to the mAirList forums. Please specify more, if you mean for creating segues - it is on the feature request list. Look at the script threads for more advice.
Kind regards tony
It has been on the wish list for quite a while, and will be for quite another while, because there are more important things to complete first (namely, the database).
Take a look around the forum, there must be several threads about this feature. I recall Cad starting a discussion about it lately.
Hello, MIGY, and welcome!
Yes, a segue editor similar to the Dalet one has been discussed here very recently, but Torben is working very hard right now on the ‘internal’ mAirList media database (which will allow full searching, genre tagging, etc.) which supercedes the present radioDB/eldoDB and internal on-the-fly ‘databases.’
Those of us discussing a future segue editor decided that seeing the ‘waveforms’ was not so important, so long as the other features of a segue editor were present. If you’re a beatmixer type (are you?), you may disagree with this; but what we decided upon was something similar to the existing progress bars (obviously two of them!), with maybe an indication of the ‘shape’ of fades, ducking under voicetrack, etc. shown as well.
I’m working on a suggested screen layout for the segue editor, which I’ll post here soon in the Feature Requests section of the Forum. If you search for segue editor (in that Search up at the top right!) you should be able to find the relevant thread very easily.
If you’re interested in ‘automated’ voicetracking, then Search in here for IVP 3.0 in the Scripts section, which is a Script to automate ‘overlaying’ of voicetracks with music tracks in a Playlist.
Tnx for the answer.
I tried to fade out some tracks but the transition wasn’t quite ‘smoothly’. Probably I did something wrong…what ?
Some suggestions:
[ul][li]In the Config program, check your global fadeout time and set it to a sensible value: 3000mS is a good value to try for starters.[/li]
[li]When tagging tracks in the File Tagger, remember that each track’s fadeout will have a duration of either from FadeOut point to CueOut point, or the global fadeout duration (from the FadeOut point). In other words, don’t set a CueOut point unless you really need to (or you WANT a LONG fade), because that will over-ride your global fade duration; you will probably also want to change the ‘auto cue point detect’ settings in Config to NOT set a CueOut point.[/li]
[li]FadeOut and StartNext points have no effect in ASSIST mode, UNLESS you have Linked two Items in the Playlist. ;)[/li]
[li]Clicking the FadeOut button in a Player will start a fade from ‘now’ for the global fade duration you set in Config.[/li][/ul]
I hope that helps, but it depends exactly what you mean when you say your transitions are ‘not smooth?’ Is this in AUTO or ASSIST mode?
If I’ve answered the wrong question(s), please let me know and we’ll try again.