MaxHistoryCount=1 etc

Hello team… Back after a long sojourn.

I’m using MaxHistoryCount=1 and wish to make the history entry reverse in colour as opposed to greyed out as it appears currently.

Do I make an entry in skin.ini and/or anywhere else and what is the correct syntax for white text on black background regardless of a cursor hovering above the entry or not.

I have searched the skin.ini files in wikipaedia but have not found a solution.

Thanks for any help offered.

Yes, it’s in skin.ini. This will give you white on black:


Unfortunately, this does not work for entries currently selected, which are all displayed in the same color (default: white on blue) regardless of the skin.ini settings. This is a limitation of Virtual Treeview I cannot circumvent.

Thanks, Torben for the stunningly rapid reply.

Kind regards,