Mass Auto-Tagger?


Just had a bit of an issue today. Some of the tracks in our database were initially loaded into a development version of mAirList that didn’t auto tag the cue in and fade out times, this has been causing our automation to sound very erm… slack.

Is there a way to get mAirList to autotag (is that the correct term?!) the tracks that weren’t originally tagged? If not, would it be possible to make a sort of ‘mass tagger’ addon for mAirList? This may be a good program/add-on to have anyway, as sometimes when we add a new playlist that has new tracks in it takes a while (mAirList freezes until it’s done) to add the playlist/files. If we could run all new tracks through a mass tagger first, it may prevent the whole freezing situation.



P.S. Once again, thanks for making such great software!

Sorry for not having replied yet. Busy as usual :wink:

As you mention the word “database” - do you use any of mAirList’s built-in databases, or do you just work with the plain files? Where do you store you cue points?

Either way, the following script will run the Auto Cue feature for all items currently loaded into the playlist which do not have cue points set:

[code]var i: integer;

for i := 0 to CurrentPlaylist.GetCount - 1 do
if picAutoPosition in CurrentPlaylist.GetItem(i).GetCapabilities then begin
if CurrentPlaylist.GetItem(i).GetCuePosition(ptCueIn).GetValue = 0 then
if CurrentPlaylist.GetItem(i).GetCuePosition(ptFadeOut).GetValue = 0 then
if CurrentPlaylist.GetItem(i).GetCuePosition(ptCueOut).GetValue = 0 then



In the above script, the cue points are saved as an MMD file. You can also use “SaveTag” for ID3 tags. Committing to a database is a little more complicated.

Cheers Torben, I’ll give that a try. Found that someone had been adding WMAs to the playlist and this was causing problems somehow!
At the moment we don’t use any of the built in database solutions because we’ve got people adding to our ‘music’ folder all the time, we’ll probably take advantage of the new database features in the next release though.
