mAirListTag: player colour bug

I know this is purely a cosmetic bug, but…!

When ‘flash the player colour as EOF warning’ is set ON for the ExtraPFL player (aka the mAirListTag player :wink: ), it’s easily possible for the player colour to be left ‘stuck’ in the EOFColor colour for a while, depending on which controls you click, and when.

For example:

In my SKIN.INI [Player] section, I have PFLColor (cyan) and EOFColor (grey) defined. I do have an [ExtraPFLPlayer] section, but that has a single FontStateSize entry.

When I open a file in the mAirListTag (ExtraPFL) player and click END MON, the EOF flash warning starts as expected. If the EOFColor is the ‘current’ player colour, and I quickly drag the gauge control or click the main 0 (zero) button (to mention just two ways), the player remains in EOFColor (grey in my case) instead of changing back to its ‘normal’ PFLColor (cyan) again when the current position moves out of the ‘EOF zone.’

One thing which usually (not always) restores the correct (PFLColor) player colour is clicking a TEST button.

Looks like the player colour redraw/reset isn’t being done everywhere it should be? :wink: As I said from the start, purely cosmetic; but I did get momentarily confused when I thought that the player had emptied! And you do get used to it. Probably. I’ll let you know after I’ve tagged another one or two hundred items…

(Yes I am starting to tag our new music library: why do you ask? :wink: )


Yes, I have noticed this lately. Will be investigated. Thanks for reporting.

A typically fast Torben reply!

I’m wondering where I can turn off the EOF warning for the mAirListTag player: there doesn’t seem to be a ‘EOF warning’ checkbox for it, nor a FlashEOF entry in its section in MAIRLIST.INI?

In which Player(s) settings—if any?—should I change the settings to switch off the ‘flash’ in mAirListTag? (In config. terms:) Playlist 1, Player 1, perhaps?

This change would be a temporary workaround, while I am in Major Tagging mode. :slight_smile:

All help appreciated as always.


The Tag player uses the Extra PFL settings. (Also the same output device, skin, etc.) Unfortunately, you cannot customize the FOF warning setting for Extra PFL. Looks like I’ve simply forgotten that :frowning:

It would be handy to have that setting.

ExtraPFL is changing in 2.1, I believe: but for those of us who HAVE to use 2.0 (going on air soon, need a stable release), it would be good.


I can probably add that feature without affecting the integrity of the stable release. If you can do without the config dialog (just insert the values into mAirList.ini by hand), it should be no problem at all, I guess.


Meantime, I will change my SKIN.INI to make the FlashEOFColor the same as the PFLColor, but just for the ExtraPFLPlayer. I’ll try that later tonight and will report back.

Torben, could you please clarify one thing?

Are you saying that there is an existing INI file setting to disable the EOF warning just for ExtraPFL? If so, is that in MAIRLIST.INI or SKIN.INI? I presume that will be a FlashEOF=0 line in one of the INI files: yes or no?

In other words, when you said you ‘forgot’ to include the setting in config., did you mean that the INI file supports it if manually entered, but you forgot to add the option to the Config. program GUI? Or did you mean something else?

Thanks in advance.


There is no .ini setting at the moment.

For the 2.1 branch, I will add those settings along with the corresponding options in the config dialog.

For the 2.0 branch, I will most likely only add support for the options, but they have to be added to mAirList.ini by hand.


Thanks for the clarification, Torben.


All sorted out now.

Version 2.0.7 will read and use a (manually entered) FlashEOF value from the ExtraPFL section in mAirList.ini.

Version 2.1.8 has a new “Extra PFL” page in the config dialog with various options, one of wich is the EOF warning setting.

Both versions will reset the player color when jumping back in PFL mode.
