Mairlist Playback Issues


Im not sure quite whether this is Mairlist or soundcard related, but i’ve tried updating drivers etc on the soundcard and tweaking the buffer settings etc…

The issue im having is that mairlist will be playing, then suddenly it’ll sound like a CD jumping before playback stops. Pressing play on a different player will activate the player, but no playback commences and the timer doesn’t countdown (no sound either)…

a quick close and reload of mairlist resolves the problem, which makes me think that it could be software related - working on an assumption that if it was soundcard related itd need a PC restart to resolve the issue.

im using a Behringer FCA610 USB soundcard. Mairlist 5.3. on an i5 with 8gb of ram…

Often happens when the soundcard is disconnected from USB briefly (too brief to notic) due to faulty cable or Windows power settings.