fader start interface


Has anyone else every bought anything (includign the fader start interface) from ?

Would like to know how everything is etc.

I have been in contact with Tim who runs/owns the thing, and then payed him for the goods but no reply from him as of yet!?



I think that Timmey is verry busy at the moment. :wink: This week (08. - 14.05.) he makes a local radiostation ( for a few of days because in his town there is a festival at the moment.

Send a e-mail to him and wait up to thuesday or friday.

Ah right. I presumed he would be busy. And it was last friday we payed and emailed him too. I’ll await a reply.

Much appreciated for your help.


No problem!

When I saw this topic I thought that this was interesting: So I tapped it into my browser, only to be confronted with an error message. The site doesn’t seem to exist. Have they disappeared in the last month and a half? ???

Add a dash: :wink:

It’s the little things, that make all the difference ;D

Thanks! :wink:

Does anybody know whether is going to return? Currently the site comes up with a blank page.

I believe only Tim will be able to answer this.

Is Tim still here on the forum? Because obviously I can’t email him through the website, as it’s down. :wink:

I don’t know how often he is visiting the forum. but I got an email from him just yesterday, so he must be alive :wink: I’ll tell him to get in touch with you.

Thanks, Torben. :wink:


I have discontinued the hardware project. But you
can send me an email if you still want to have a interface.

