Known bugs/limitations
- Playlist history not working (will be replaced by a different mechanism)
- Playlist drag/drop and moving of items does sometimes not work correctly
when comment items are involved. Will be investigated. - Custom button sets (“PlayerButtons” folder) not working.
Version 2.1.7 (2007-01-22)
[+] Playlist popup menu, “Append” and “Insert”: selecting multiple files
[+] Database Search browser: Sorting
[+] Database Search browser: Leave search field empty and hit return to
display a list of all songs
[+] Automation: Previous items will fade out all the way to the end even
if player is needed for next item.
[+] Scripting: Added some functions:
[] Playlist: Comment nodes use skin.ini color and font settings
[-] radioDB2: Database search broken
[] 3rd party library updates: ZeosLib 6.60, JCL 1.98, JVCL 3.30