mAirList 2.1.44 released

Version 2.1.44 (2008-03-08)

[-] Stop logging to files: duration always “0”
[*] Undid some internal changes introduced since v2.1.42 Build 484,
possibly causing BASS.DLL errors
[-] Cannot drop shortcuts to audio files into playlist
[-] Cart player does not reset at end of fade
[+] IComPort: new procedure Close()
[+] IComPort: new procedure SetDTR(iValue: boolean)
[+] Playlist GUI: Support for alternating row colors. You can prefix each
skin.ini RowColor setting by “Alternate”. It will then only affect
the even row numbers.
[+] New playlist item option “Don’t move to history” (effective for
non-playable items only)
[-] Tilde in filename ignored when auto cue enabled