mAirList 2.1.41


Die neue Version 2.1.41 steht nun zur Verfügung. Es gibt ein paar hübsche neue Features, und auch etliche Bugs habe ich entfernt. Leider gibt es noch zwei oder drei offene Bugs, die ich bei mir bislang nicht reproduzieren konnte. Ich bitte um Geduld.

Wichtig für die Script-Schreiber unter euch: Es gibt eine neue Funktion “Factory”, die ein “IFactory”-Interface zurückliefert. Über dieses müssen nun alle Funktionen, die neue Objekte erzeugen, aufgerufen werden. Statt früher “CreateFilePlaylistItem” heißt es nun also “Factory.CreatePlaylistItem”. Das IFactory-Interface und seine Methoden sind in der Hilfe-Datei dokumentiert.

Version 2.1.41 (2007-11-14)

[-] PFL/Hook/Loop buttons not working in cart player
[] Player shows correct remaining duration in Hook Mode
[-] Fixed Windows 98/ME incompatibilities (player buttons and playlist icons)
[-] Lockups when sending commands through SOAP
] Cleaned up command list in config
[+] Player: Ramp prefix can be changed through skin.ini (e.g. “RampPrefix=R-”)
[-] skin.ini: Playlist toolbar font settings ignored
[-] Cue dialog: TEST does not start playback when playback is currenly paused
[+] Player: New options “Use cue category colors” and “Expand all cue categories”
[-] Config: Player click commands occur multiple times in list
[+] Properties dialog: New tab “Audio File”, ability to choose a different file
[+] Player: New “Fade Out” button
[-] Loop and Fade Out do not work well together
[+] Player: New GUI option “Use simple cue list”
[+] Player: New GUI option “Show cue in seconds”
[+] Playlist: New popup menu item “Create Hook Container”
[+] Hook Containers can also be created by holding Shift while dragging items
into a player (ordinary or cart player)
[+] Config: New “File Repository” page (this is where you can set your
opener/sweeper/closer for Hook Containers at the moment)
[+] Status window displayed while preparing files for addition
[-] Playlist: Link icons not scaled correctly
[-] Obsolete “PFL CUE” commands in config, must be “PFL CUEIN” now
[-] Cart player does not reset at EOF
[+] Playlist: New skin.ini setting “HideSelection=on”
[-] Playlist: “HistoryRowColor” affects also non-history rows
[+] Engine: New option “Use Recycle Bin”
[*] Scripting: Introduced the IFactory interface, which is used to create
playlist items etc. Replaces static “CreateFilePlaylistItem” etc. functions.
[+] Many additional file formats supported for playlist icons
