Known bugs/limitations
- Playlist history not working (will be replaced by a different mechanism)
- Playlist item comments are not shown
- Spacebar AUTOMATION NEXT does not work
Version 2.1.4 - 14 Januar 2007
[] Improved handling of Shoutcast streams
[+] Event Scheduler: Ability to manually run an event
[-] Fixed a typo in the .mle XML. “playlistinsert” instead of “playlistinseret”.
If using these types of events, please check and replace in your .mle
files manually, or the events will be lost.
[+] New event types: Play stream, insert stream
[] Mixdown dialog: Cancel button functional
[-] Access Violation when moving tracks
[+] Prepared the new, still empty Icon column (#0). Note that you need to
specify an additional number in the ColWidths list when using skin.ini.
[+] Playlist: skin.ini: New setting “ColumnOrder” to rearrange columns.
Speficy a list of new positions (0-5), in the same way as with ColWidths,
for example “ColumnOrder=2,3,0,1,5,4”
Note that the progress bar is currently not drawn correctly in non-extended
mode when changing the order of the title and artist columns.
[+] Playlist: skin.ini: New option “UsePlayerColors=off”, useful in connection
with per-state row colors
[-] skin.ini: Toolbar customization working again
[*] Extra PFL/Properties: Changes to the cue markers will only be committed when
clicking one of the Save buttons. You can click Cancel to cancel all
[+] Container content displayed in the Properties dialog, with limited
editing. You can rearrange and delete tracks, also also insert new items by
drag & drop. However, any players in which the container is currently
loaded must be reloaded in order to reflect the changes. This does also
apply to the Extra PFL player embedded in the Properties dialog.
[+] Ability to globally disable certain features in the config.