For my station i use predefined playlists for the top of the hour, which contain the newsjingle, the news and the toth jingle. What i want is the audio logger to stop logging when the newsjingle starts, and to start again when the top of the hour starts. I always gave these start/stop commands in those playlists, but for some reason they’re not working anymore. As far as i can remember i haven’t changed anything since it has stopped working.
This is the contents of these playlists :
<PlaylistItem Class="File">
<Action Class="RESTExecuteCommand">
<User />
<Command>SLOT 1 STOP</Command>
<Action Class="RESTExecuteCommand">
<User />
<Command>SLOT 2 STOP</Command>
<PlaylistItem Class="File">
<PlaylistItem Class="File">
<Title>BFM Toth</Title>
<Action Class="RESTExecuteCommand">
<User />
<Command>SLOT 1 START</Command>
<Action Class="RESTExecuteCommand">
<User />
<Command>SLOT 2 START</Command>
<CueDataItem Class="Marker" Type="CueIn" Position="0.053" />
<CueDataItem Class="Marker" Type="StartNext" Position="10.892" />
<CueDataItem Class="Marker" Type="FadeOut" Position="12.360" />
<CueDataItem Class="Marker" Type="CueOut" Position="13.999" />
<Filename>M:\Imaging\Items\BFM Toth.mp3</Filename>
The actions don’t do anything… they don’t generate any errors in the logs.
In my configuration in my action menu, i also defined the actions to start the audio logger. Same data, and they do work.
Does anyone know where to find the solution?