Log-current-next song


can you please tell me how is possible to get current song and next song info into log/xml sort of file ?

The goal is to make html page with list of 3 past songs, current song, and next 3 songs!

Thanks !


Das that work since Version 4.x already? I would have assumed, that this function was introduced in 6.0?

I tried to figure out in which release it was implemented but I couldn’t find the right changelog. Maybe I missed an entry.

@imilkovic should give it a try. If the release is too old for this function, he can ask sales [at] mairlist.com for an upgrade.

Update @imilkovic:
Unfortunately this feature is not available in v4.x.

Pleas ask Torben via sales@mairlist.com for your personal upgrade price to v6.x (we see no need for you to upgrade to v5.x :wink: ).

Best regards, Uli