Loading m3u playlist impossible

Hi Torben,

For testing script, I created m3u files (because I aim to use, in the future, scheduling software that generate m3u file) and tried to load them in mAirlist.

Problem : mairlist tells me
“Error opening C:…\playlist.m3u: Access violation at address 004D26c6 in module “mairlist.exe”. Read of address 000000000”

No m3u files succeeds to load in this version of mAirlist (my m3u files had been generated by winamp). And, when it’s not this kind of error, I have a “whitespaces not allowed…” error where there are “&” symbol in song title…

Quite disappointing.

Before Torben asks you :wink:

Can you please download the JDBG file for mAirList V3, and copy that file into your mAirList V3 Program folder?

After you have done that, launch mAirList V3 and try to load an M3U file again. You will now see a much more detailed error report which you can copy and then post in this thread. This detailed information will be VERY helpful to Torben: he will be able to find the problem and correct it much more easily.

Thanks in advance.

PS: I suggest you use mAirList V2.2.3 for your testing of M3U and scripting, because scripting is also ‘broken’ in mAirList V3!


Note that the big “Open” button in the toolbar now defaults to “Load Desktop” and can only load .mld or .mlt files. You can change the behavior of that button in the config so that it defaults to “Load Playlist”. Or you can click the small arrow next to it and select “Load Playlist”. Another possibility is to right-click the playlist and select “This Playlist -> Load”.

Cad, scripting should be ok again in the current releases. However some scripts will need to be adjusted because various interfaces have changed in v3.0.

Ok, I will put the JDBG file in the program folder.

And I will try to load playlist with the small arrow next to the “Open” button (I think you’re right Torben, because when I clicked on it, filter were selected to be “mld” ou “mlt” files.

However, I also tried to drag’n’drop the m3u from folder explorer to the playlist and I only got an item marked “Error” with the name of the playlist… Is it normal ?

I’ll tell you tonight if I succeed in loading playlist :slight_smile:

PS : Torben, Is the .chm files included with mAirlist v2.x (in which we find all the interfaces, methods and so on) still correct for mAirlist v3.x scripting or is it out of date ? I ask you this question thinking about your “…because various interfaces have changed in v3.0.”

You’re right, drag-and-drop doesn’t work. It’s a bug.

The CHM file is no longer included in the regular download because most people won’t need it. It can now be downloaded from here: http://www.mairlist.com/download/mAirList/v3.0/scriptinghelp/

Great Torben. I will download the file tonight. And make try about m3u files (without drag’n’drop because I don’t need it. It was just a test)

:o Hmm … I suppose I understand your reasons, but it’s still mildly annoying to have to remember to ‘grab’ the scripting CHM separately.

PS: Talking of ‘mildly annoying,’ how do your stitches feel now? ;D


In my previous message, I wrote “Great stanimir”… I fixed it with “Great Torben” because I was thinking about anything else at work and I made the mistake. I wanted to write “Torben” but at work, we’ve been working with bulgarians (stanimir is one of them) and so, I write “stanimir”… ^^

Sorry for the mistake :wink:

It’s ok. I could load m3u playlist file using the arrow near the “Open” button. You’re right Torben.

Thank you.

Something strange… today, I can open the .chm file, but all pages tells me “cannot access”… I can’t see anything about syntax and so on… ???

This is a “security feature” of Windows. When you first open the file and see that “warning, this file might be dangerous”, you need to uncheck the “always ask before opening the file” option. If you don’t, Internet Explorer (yes, the CHM viewer uses IE internally) will believe that the HTML files are dangerous and won’t display them.

In case you’re referring to the seven stitches down there in my belly, let’s say, they don’t keep me from leaving the bed anymore :wink:

Perfect Torben. I can open the file now. You’re the boss :wink: