Just wondering out loud if there is a document/webpage with a comprehensive list of mAirlist variables and objects. I’ve worked out a few with thanks for the wiki and also CAD’s Voicetrack script but can’t find much more.
I’m pondering a search and replace script in the playlist for some versioning of a program(me) I do.
[quote=“Cad, post:5, topic:6559”]Streamer: I’m sure a bright fellow like yourself will indeed find it useful. ;D
I think I will I’ve already tweaked your VT script a little, just some of the timings (DuckOutro, split the ramp difference, DuckIntro, start the ramp after the end of the VT, about to add “ond”, overlay no duck!). The show I did last weekend really did sound excellent with a good blend of overlays and underlays. (It also helps I’m fairly proficient in Delphi).
I thought you would do your own mods. to IVP (sorry the code is a bit ‘messy’ in places, but I think the comments make everything clear). And I am genuinely delighted to hear that it’s working well for you.
PS: Don’t forget that Torben has, uh, ‘repaired’ the dB conversion functions since IVP 5.0 was posted, so if you want a -12dB ‘duck,’ change the -25 const to -12!
[quote=“Cad, post:7, topic:6559”]I thought you would do your own mods. to IVP (sorry the code is a bit ‘messy’ in places, but I think the comments make everything clear). And I am genuinely delighted to hear that it’s working well for you.
PS: Don’t forget that Torben has, uh, ‘repaired’ the dB conversion functions since IVP 5.0 was posted, so if you want a -12dB ‘duck,’ change the -25 const to -12![/quote]
The comments were actually incredibly helpful. Took a few attempts to get it the way I wanted. Yes, I did notice the dB conversion thread. For my setup, -8dB seems to work well on the intro and -9dB on the outro. Of course it depends on the intro as many are soft, some are full whack and there are those that build progressively! No “one-size-fits-all” scenario.
Using Notepad++ was good too as it colour codes the Pascal so that makes it useful too.
Here’s a thought: If we take -10dB as a typical ducking position, this will naturally give differing results depending upon the intensity of the track. Dave Double-Decks knows he has to duck Ace of Spades more than Romeo and Juliet, but the computer doesn’t. So here’s a radical idea for a script mod - Why not stick a duck override in as an Attribute ? That way, a soft cut can either have no ducking or something a little gentler, say, -3dB. I’ve only ever seen this on 1 other system: Enco DAD. Other systems seem to insist on the same duck level for everything, which isn’t how humans do it
Charlie: nice idea! Coupling it with streamer’s Cunning Plan for separate duck levels in/out, we would now have three possible Attributes for items: DuckIn, DuckOut, and Duck (which would apply to both duck in AND out).
Each of these could have a value from 0 down to some sensible limit like maybe -24 or even -30 (so that IVP could report any values out of range [and to Torben: any sign of MsgBoxes being usable in mAirListScript any time soon?]).
[quote=“Cad, post:10, topic:6559”]Charlie: nice idea! Coupling it with streamer’s Cunning Plan for separate duck levels in/out, we would now have three possible Attributes for items: DuckIn, DuckOut, and Duck (which would apply to both duck in AND out).
Each of these could have a value from 0 down to some sensible limit like maybe -24 or even -30 (so that IVP could report any values out of range [and to Torben: any sign of MsgBoxes being usable in mAirListScript any time soon?]).
The problem is that scripts might be executed in background threads (depending on the way they are invoked, e.g. from a RUNSCRIPT command). And Delphi doesn’t allow any GUI functions in background threads.
There do exists mechanisms for switching to the main thread temporarily (TThread.Synchronize method), but I still have to investigate if this will work in the context of scripting.
By the way, do you mean simple “information” message boxes, or also those with multiple buttons?
For some reason, when I download this, the proposed filename is mAirList.download, but it IS a CHM file. So to anyone else downloading it, just rename the file to .CHM and it will work just fine.