Title says it all, really. Would it be possible? Or is this already available and I have not noticed?
The Extra PFL Player really looks out of place on my test mAirList setup. Having the same Configuration options for the Extra PFL Player which are available for Playlist Players would allow me to make the necessary changes.
NB: The Extra PFL Player layout options would ALSO be applied to the mAirListTag program Player.
Obviously the size of this Player(s), the ProgressBarHeight, and the RampBarHeight would not be changeable by the user, but I think almost every other Player layout option should apply: yes?
have you tried making the changes in the layout.ini file.
I would [b]love[/b] to do so, Tony, but I don't know the correct INIfile Section name to use within the [ ] brackets (for example Player0_0).
I’ve so far tried sections named: PFL, PFLPlayer, PFL_Player, Player_PFL, ExtraPFL, ExtraPFLPlayer. None of those have worked.
The rest of my 300-line or so LAYOUT.INI is fine, but it’s irritating to not know the correct name to be able to change the ExtraPFL/mAirListTag player ‘look.’