Launching mAirList freezes.... Solved but.....

Well the computer Gremlins struck tonight. Went to run mAirList 4.4 beta, and poof, no windows, then a “mAirList frozen” dialog pops up. Kill the task, try again, same thing. OK, install latest snapshot, same thing, reboot, same thing. Huh! Crash report submitted. Tried v4.3, 4.1 & 4.0 and all show same symptoms.

Soooo, detective streamer decides has to be hardware thing, other audio apps can access my soundcards including the 1010LT card so not that. I decided to hide the device.ini file, and sure enough mAirList runs. I had to reset the Audio devices. I did compare the two INI files, old and new, and I use WASAPI, noticed that GUID numbers were different.

So, somehow from last night to today, my audio devices must have changed order or whatever! No updates were run, just a normal shutdown.

However I am restored, but may be worth looking at why mAirList could not time out or recover from the device issue. I actually let it run for over 8 minutes and two frozen dialogs before giving in at one point!

Amusingly I mis-configured my VT device and received a wonderful “TRIAL” audio across it! :D, sorted that out and all seemed well.

The freeze was actually during calculcation of the Hardware ID, more precisely, when mAirList was checking the hard disk models and serials via WMI. Not related to the audio devices at all - mAirList never got to that point.

If it happens again, try running mAirList as Administrator.

[quote=“Torben, post:2, topic:9211”]The freeze was actually during calculcation of the Hardware ID, more precisely, when mAirList was checking the hard disk models and serials via WMI. Not related to the audio devices at all - mAirList never got to that point.

If it happens again, try running mAirList as Administrator.[/quote]

Interesting. Wonder why when I removed the device.ini file it fired right up. If I get chance tonight I’ll put it back and see if makes a difference.

If it does happen again I try the admin option although my login has the admin rights.


[quote=“Torben, post:2, topic:9211”]The freeze was actually during calculcation of the Hardware ID, more precisely, when mAirList was checking the hard disk models and serials via WMI. Not related to the audio devices at all - mAirList never got to that point.

If it happens again, try running mAirList as Administrator.[/quote]

OK, so oddly enough it happened again tonight. Kinda weird. So I killed the task, as you request “ran as administrator”, came right up.
Decided to get the crash report, and when I got the “mAirList is frozen” dialog it then came up, took over a minute.
Third attempt, given up waiting.
Fourth attempt, “run as administrator”, and still waiting, so no consistency. Debug report sent.

I wonder if I have some hardware failing. I’m thinking of swapping motherboard and stuff to a i5, SSD boot drive etc anyhow, maybe this is time! ::slight_smile:

OK, your hardware checks and getting hung at the Drive checks was spot on. I ran Disk Management and it would not connect to the Logical drives. Turned out System Log had a few controller errors.

All related to a USB drive reader built in to the case, removed that and voila, all seems good.

Call off the dogs, we have a result. :slight_smile: