Keybord shortcuts in Database

Every year I check the song database. I decide which songs stay and which go out. I do that for a whole year. That is a lot of mouse clicks and causes physical problems. I looked at Settings>Remote Control but could not find settings for this screen in de database:

It would be really helpfull if i had these keybord shortcuts:
Tool Buttons:
Ctrl + Up Arrow = Up 1 track
Ctrl + Down Arrow = Down 1 track
Alt+Enter = Track Properties (this screen)
Ctrl + A = Go to first Standard Attribute field

Ctrl + N = Save and Next track (already in database)

Player Controls in the screen above:
Enter = Play
P = Play
S = Stop
R = Rewind 5 seconds
Ctrl+R = Jump Start
F = Forward 5 seconds

Thank you for taking this into consideration to enable this in version 7.

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Is it possible to get this keybord shortcuts in the Database in some months? I would need those shortcuts in January or February to avoid shoulder problems.

Thank you for taking this into consideration to enable this in version 6 or 7.