IVR Script for MAIRLIST v4.x? Automatic Seque

Hi there,

Does anyone know if there is a script like IVR v5.1 but for mairlist v4.x?

or know of away to automatically force dry ids to be seque’d perfectly automatically as IVR would do?

Much appreciate any assistance!

It’s IVP not IVR.

As I don’t have a copy of v4, I haven’t converted IVP for use with v4; but I think Richard (streamer) has.


Hi all,

I never converted it for 4.0 & 4.1 as the Mix Editor did what I needed.

My suggestion for dry sweeps is to edit each one manually. Whilst auto-segue markers works for 99% of stuff, dry stuff is usually in that 1% :slight_smile:

Bummer :frowning:

What would be involved in getting it working?

I wonder if there would be a easier way to do it in this new version of Mairlist. If you manually select your tracks, mix editor and then right click and go Ramp 1 Overlay it does it perfect. But you have to manually do it to each dry liner and track.

Could we automate this process?

Unfortunately in this instance and to get the action right, the edits need to be done manually.

Most other playout software is the same, imagine the inital setup on 15,000+ music tracks before we get to the promos/station ID’s and that’s just my personal audio collection.

Hence the importance of getting the playout software right first time or a conversion tool for the tags.

The issue I have is I have heaps of Dry Voiced Liners which I need to play over the intro of songs but I don’t want them to play over the start of the song vocals.

If I right click and go Ramp 1 Overlay it works on Mairlist v4. Surely there must be a way just like there is in Mairlist v3? It works perfect in Mairlist v3 but not on v4.


I think it should be possible to port IVP to mAirList v4 - probably only a few syntax changes.

The “ramp overlay” function in the Mix Editor is pretty similar to what IVP does. It sets the Start Next marker for the first element, and adjusts the volume envelope for the second element.

A new feature introduced in v4 is “evelope point tagging”: you can set a name (tag) for each envelope point that helps you to identify the particular points when you want to adjust the envelope later.

Whe you use the Ramp Overlay function in the Mix Editor, the three evelope points (-6dB at 0, -6dB 0.25s into the ramp point, 0dB 0.25s after the ramp point) are tagged with the identifiers “#ramp_in#”, “#ramp_fade#” and “#ramp_full#”.

When you use the overlay function repeatedly, the Mix Editor removes any old overlay evenlope points by looking for these tags. Here’s some original code to demonstrate this:

    with this.VolumeEnvelope do begin

        AddPoint(0, -6, '#ramp_in#');
        AddPoint(ramppoint - 0.25, -6, '#ramp_fade#');
        AddPoint(ramppoint + 0.25, 0, '#ramp_full#');

Likewise, the VT Recorder uses the tags VT_END and VT_BEGIN to tag the volume envelopes added during the VT recording.

I think a v4-enabled version of IVP should use the same set of tags to be compatible with the now built-in VT features.

Cad, if you’re interested in porting IVP to v4, I can of course help you out with a license.


As there does seem to be interest in IVP, I suppose I should convert it to v4! I have a ‘demo’ version of v4.0 b1171: if I install the latest snapshot on top of that, will my v4.0 ‘30 minute demo’ licence still work?


I propose you start with a fresh installation of v4.1 and use the license file that I just added to your account. (The existing one will work as well, but the new one is better, you will see why.)

The API has changed again a bit in v4.1, and now that v4.1 is almost ready for production, it doesn’t make sense to make a v4.0 version and then change it again for v4.1 in a few weeks.