January 18, 2009, 10:21pm
the iTunes database not working it comes up with this message
Access violation at address 004A3702 in module ‘mAirList.exe’. Read of address 00000000
18 January 2009, 22:20:11
Program Version 3.0.0 Build 523
Call stack:
(000A2702) [004A3702]
(000A27B8) [004A37B8]
(0021A808) [0061B808]
(0021AF31) [0061BF31]
(0047E0A3) [0087F0A3]
(00071C6C) [00472C6C]
(0004A612) [0044B612]
(0004A710) [0044B710]
(00071767) [00472767]
(00075605) [00476605]
(0004A4BC) [0044B4BC]
(000713F4) [004723F4]
(0007573B) [0047673B]
(00075EAF) [00476EAF]
(00071767) [00472767]
(00075605) [00476605]
(0003A860) [0043B860]
(00074D90) [00475D90]
(00074DA5) [00475DA5]
(00074D90) [00475D90]
(0002E688) [0042F688]
(000756E7) [004766E7]
(0007208C) [0047308C]
(00072002) [00473002]
(00071767) [00472767]
(00075297) [00476297]
(00022CA4) [00423CA4]
(000750CB) [004760CB]
(00075605) [00476605]
(0004A4BC) [0044B4BC]
(00074D90) [00475D90]
(0002E688) [0042F688]
(0002EF0E) [0042FF0E]
(0008ECBC) [0048FCBC]
(0008ECF6) [0048FCF6]
(0008B2F7) [0048C2F7]
(0021A066) [0061B066]
(003A3C46) [007A4C46]
(0006675F) [0046775F]
(00067C63) [00468C63]
(00068DC2) [00469DC2]
(00068D11) [00469D11]
(0002E688) [0042F688]
(0008ECBC) [0048FCBC]
(0008ECF6) [0048FCF6]
(0008EF16) [0048FF16]
(003A5DFE) [007A6DFE]
(005710B8) [009720B8]
(0057C148) [0097D148]
January 19, 2009, 6:21am
Can you please download the mAirList.jdbg file (see “mAirList 3.0” post in the General forum) and then post the (more detailed) error message again?
January 19, 2009, 2:41pm
here is the message i am getting now
Access violation at address 004A371A in module ‘mAirList.exe’. Read of address 00000000
19 January 2009, 14:41:09
Program Version 3.0.0 Build 524
Call stack:
[004A371A] UpdateObject.TUpdateObject.DoBeginUpdate (Line 76, “UpdateObject.pas” + 1) + $7
[004A37D0] UpdateObject.TUpdateObject.BeginUpdate (Line 104, “UpdateObject.pas” + 1) + $5
[0061BAB4] BaseDatabase.TBaseDatabase.SetCustomCaption (Line 95, “BaseDatabase.pas” + 1) + $6
[0061C1DD] BaseDatabaseConfig.TBaseDatabaseConfigForm.btnOkClick (Line 33, “GUI\Config\BaseDatabaseConfig.pas” + 2) + $19
[0087F477] iTunesDatabaseConfig.TiTunesDatabaseConfigForm.btnOkClick (Line 48, “iTunesDatabaseConfig.pas” + 6) + $6
[00472C6C] Controls.TControl.Click + $64
[0044B612] StdCtrls.TButton.Click + $1E
[0044B710] StdCtrls.TButton.CNCommand + $C
[00472767] Controls.TControl.WndProc + $2BB
[00476605] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $499
[0044B4BC] StdCtrls.TButtonControl.WndProc + $6C
[004723F4] Controls.TControl.Perform + $24
[0047673B] Controls.DoControlMsg + $23
[00476EAF] Controls.TWinControl.WMCommand + $B
[00472767] Controls.TControl.WndProc + $2BB
[0042F688] Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[00476605] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $499
[0043B860] Graphics.FreeMemoryContexts + $98
[00475D90] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[00475DA5] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $41
[00475D90] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[0042F688] Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[004766E7] Controls.TWinControl.DefaultHandler + $D7
[0047308C] Controls.TControl.WMLButtonUp + $10
[00472767] Controls.TControl.WndProc + $2BB
[00476605] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $499
[00476297] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $12B
[004880A1] Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc + $4C1
[00423CA4] Classes.TThreadList.UnlockList + $4
[0043B860] Graphics.FreeMemoryContexts + $98
[004760CB] Controls.TWinControl.IsControlMouseMsg + $13
[00476605] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $499
[0044B4BC] StdCtrls.TButtonControl.WndProc + $6C
[00475D90] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[0042F688] Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[0042FF0E] Contnrs.TComponentList.GetItems + $A
[0048FCBC] Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage + $FC
[0048FCF6] Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage + $A
[0048C2F7] Forms.TCustomForm.ShowModal + $187
[0061B312] BaseConfig.TConfigFormAdapter.ConfigureObject (Line 131, “GUI\Config\BaseConfig.pas” + 2) + $5
[007A5012] ConfigMain.TConfigForm.AddDatabaseClick (Line 2219, “ConfigMain.pas” + 3) + $17
[0046775F] Menus.TMenuItem.Click + $A7
[00468C63] Menus.TMenu.DispatchCommand + $13
[00469DC2] Menus.TPopupList.WndProc + $82
[00469D11] Menus.TPopupList.MainWndProc + $1D
[0042F688] Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[0048FCBC] Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage + $FC
[0048FCF6] Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage + $A
[0048FF16] Forms.TApplication.Run + $96
[007A71CA] CoreGUIMainWindows.TConfigMainWindowClass.Run (Line 168, “CoreGUIMainWindows.pas” + 27) + $7
[009724AC] mAirList.MainWindow (Line 86, “C:\projects\mAirList\trunk\mAirList.dpr” + 13) + $C
[0097D148] mAirList.mAirList (Line 103, “” + 13) + $5
January 19, 2009, 2:54pm
Thanks. Look like the error comes up when you click OK in the iTunes config dialog, right?
January 19, 2009, 3:10pm
Ok. This one should be easy to find.
January 19, 2009, 7:42pm
Sorted. Will be fixed in the next snapshot which I shall upload later this evening (just looking for some other bugs to fix).
January 19, 2009, 11:28pm
hey thanks all working fine
February 11, 2009, 9:03pm
Hey Torben,
In The Latest snapshot Itunes Dont Bring Up The mAirList Tags From Itunes Database Do You Know When This Bug Will Be Fixed.
Thanks Sean
February 11, 2009, 10:11pm
Has this ever worked (in v2.2)?
February 12, 2009, 3:13am
when i drag the file from itunes database to the playlist i dont get the ramps and cue points i can only get them if i drag the file to the playlist useing files from “directory”
February 12, 2009, 8:21am
Yes, that’s true. You cannot mix databases and MMD files or file tags. For an ordinary database, there is no reason to do so anyway, because all cue data is stored inside the database. iTunes is a special case, because it cannot store any extra metadate apart from the fields provided by the iTunes software (artist, title, album, year, etc).
Another problem is that reading file tags or MMD files takes a rather long time. When you perform a database search, and mAirList must look at the file tag of each file in the search results, this would be very slow. There is currently no mechanism which would allow the data only to be read when you use one of the files (that is, drag it into the playlist or a player). Currently, all metadata needs to be available once the item shows up in the search results.
I understand that this is a serious drawback, and I’m looking into a solution for this problem. Perhaps we can at least allow MMD files to be read, which would be much faster than looking for a file tag.
February 13, 2009, 6:51am
Ok thanks will just have to keep using on the fly one