Internet connection problem x HTTP Post x freezed mairlist

Hi Torben,
I’ve been having a problem for a while that I didn’t have before.
I sometimes have problems with my internet connection…
I have an HTTP Post Multipart script that sends the artist, title and cover art info of the currently playing track.
This sends me a “read time out” when the connection fails. The thing is, it tends to crash the mairlist.
When I want to consult the system log of the interface, very often, I have no event registered since the time of the internet cut (although the events seem to be recorded in a separate txt file).
Also, when I want to access the control panel, the software freezes. I had to restart the instance yesterday because nothing was responding after several minutes.

I’ve been implementing this HTTP Post script for several weeks. But it’s only since this week that I have problems with the instance crashing.
I tried to send a bug report when the software crashed this morning. But it started to come back on its own without me having to restart it.

An idea ?


Hi Matthieu,

did you try to increase the read time out in the mairlist.ini?

[Options] → HTTPTimeout=30000 (example, in Milliseconds)