Internal Clock for No Activity ?

Really odd title for a thread, so hopefully my explanation will help…

Is there a way (via a Notification Script, I reckon) that when mAirList is ONAIR yet not doing anything - or playing long/multiple items that do not log - for an event to occur… ?

eg: If no loggable-items have been played when in OnAir mode within a set time (say, 5mins) - the Notification Script kicks in. Typical usage would be to send “Sorry, no information available for this song…” It would indicate to web-site visitors (and WinAmp listeners) that you are perhaps playing CDs. Having an old song title “stuck” for ages isn’t professional.

Did I explain that well enough ?!

What we need is an “OnTimer” procedure in the notification script, perhaps with the ability to specify a custom interval. That procedure will then be called once in the specified interval, perhaps once per minute, or whatever you choose.

Inside that procedure, you would check if any player is active. If yes, store the current time in a global variable. If not, see if five minutes have passed since the time stored in the variable, and if so, update your stream title or the like.

Let’s see what I can do :wink: