Using the last 2 (or so) snapshots, I seem to have issues reading MMD files. Some are read, others are not. I have just opened a new audio file, set cues points, saved MMD and re-loaded the item from the Browser into the Playlist - it’s a fresh file again ??? Same occurs with an M3U playlist load.
I have CueIn and FadeOut set to auto-cue and the “Import File Tags as Attributes” ticked which is how it’s always been and only recently have I noticed this. The MMD path is correct and the contents of each MMD virtually identical.
The internal change I mentioned is that the File playlist item type does now also accept HTTP or FTP URLs as a filename - in which case it is virtually identical to the Network File playlist item, which is likely to be abandoned in a future version.
Reading and writing MMD files doesn’t make sense if it’s a remote URL. The faulty build parsed the URL incorrectly when the item was created, so it thought it was a remote URL and didn’t attempt to read the MMD.