icons for item types?

I’m struggling to assign new icons to playlist items such as music etc. My playlists are being created in Station Playlist Creator.
I understand that I should rename an icon.png to itemtype_music.png for example. But I’m not sure where to save the renamed icon or where to assign that icon to it’s icon type.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you

Hello Maz-

Create a folder called images and place this folder into the mAirList program folder. All of your icons should then be placed into the images folder. mAirList will detect the icons at start-up.

Hope that helps.

Cheers, Alec M

Hello Alec.
Thank you I will give that a try.
MAZ :slight_smile:

Works really well.
Thank you.
I love this software ! :smiley:

You’re welcome :wink:

Cheers, Alec M