Hook Repository

Hi Torben.

I’ve just set an Hook Opener and Hook Closer of the same file, wich is this :

C:\Documents and Settings\Alex\Bureau\Virgule_pub~0.5.mp3

I’ve save it, and since, i’ve got this error on loading mAirList.

[code]Unknown encoding

dimanche 18 janvier 2009, 11:46:41

Program Version 2.2.1 Build 538

Call stack:

(004AEF81) [008AFF81]
(00091D5B) [00492D5B]
(004B683D) [008B783D]
(004B2F71) [008B3F71]
(004B5FC0) [008B6FC0]
(004B2F3C) [008B3F3C]
(004B3C80) [008B4C80]
(004B0952) [008B1952]
(004B032E) [008B132E]
(004B0D65) [008B1D65]
(004B09AE) [008B19AE]
(004BB999) [008BC999]
(004BBBCE) [008BCBCE]
(001B4E3F) [005B5E3F]
(001B546D) [005B646D]
(001B6EFA) [005B7EFA]
(003A5666) [007A6666]
(004C0FB9) [008C1FB9]
(00085CC9) [00486CC9]
(00085985) [00486985]
(00003999) [00404999]
(003A5588) [007A6588]
(0008EB1D) [0048FB1D]
(004CDADB) [008CEADB]

I’ve to remove the Hook Opener and Closer configuration to be able to start mAirList again.


Can you please

The call stack will then contain additional information which will be very helpful to track the error down.

Hi Torben.

Thanks by the way to remind me I was still in 2.2.1 :smiley:

Here is the error with the stack.

[code]Unknown encoding

dimanche 18 janvier 2009, 12:16:00

Program Version 2.2.2 Build 545

Call stack:

[008B07F1] JvID3v2Base.JvID3v2Base.ID3Error (Line 2665, “JvID3v2Base.pas” + 4) + $E
[00492D5B] JvGnugettext.JvGnugettext.LoadResStringA (Line 1295, “jvgnugettext.pas” + 5) + $10
[008B80B9] JvID3v2Base.JvID3v2Base.TJvID3Stream.ReadEnc (Line 8252, “JvID3v2Base.pas” + 5) + $12
[008B47E5] JvID3v2Base.JvID3v2Base.TJvID3Frame.ReadEncoding (Line 5714, “JvID3v2Base.pas” + 2) + $3
[008B7838] JvID3v2Base.JvID3v2Base.TJvID3SimpleListFrame.ReadFrame (Line 7992, “JvID3v2Base.pas” + 5) + $2
[008B47B0] JvID3v2Base.JvID3v2Base.TJvID3Frame.Read (Line 5704, “JvID3v2Base.pas” + 47) + $5
[008B54F4] JvID3v2Base.JvID3v2Base.TJvID3Frames.Read (Line 6375, “JvID3v2Base.pas” + 20) + $2
[008B21C2] JvID3v2Base.JvID3v2Base.TJvID3Controller.LoadFromStream (Line 4083, “JvID3v2Base.pas” + 41) + $8
[008B1B9E] JvID3v2Base.JvID3v2Base.TJvID3Controller.DoOpen (Line 3789, “JvID3v2Base.pas” + 3) + $5
[008B25D9] JvID3v2Base.JvID3v2Base.TJvID3Controller.SetActive (Line 4270, “JvID3v2Base.pas” + 11) + $4
[008B221E] JvID3v2Base.JvID3v2Base.TJvID3Controller.Open (Line 4097, “JvID3v2Base.pas” + 0) + $2
[008BD21D] MP3FilePlaylistItem.MP3FilePlaylistItem.TMP3FilePlaylistItem.LoadID3v2 (Line 102, “MP3FilePlaylistItem.pas” + 3) + $6
[008BD453] MP3FilePlaylistItem.MP3FilePlaylistItem.TMP3FilePlaylistItem.LoadTags (Line 134, “MP3FilePlaylistItem.pas” + 2) + $3
[005B5F87] mAirListFactory.mAirListFactory.TmAirListFactory.CreateFilePlaylistItem (Line 178, “mAirListFactory.pas” + 39) + $5
[005B65F1] mAirListFactory.mAirListFactory.TmAirListFactory.CreatePlaylistItemFromFile (Line 243, “mAirListFactory.pas” + 36) + $B
[005B807E] mAirListGlobals.mAirListGlobals.InitGlobalRepository (Line 175, “mAirListGlobals.pas” + 6) + $16
[007A678E] Main.Main.TMainForm.FormCreate (Line 298, “Main.pas” + 1) + $0
[008C28B1] AutoMain.AutoMain.TAutoMainForm.FormCreate (Line 47, “AutoMain.pas” + 3) + $4
[00486CC9] Forms.Forms.TCustomForm.DoCreate + $31
[00486985] Forms.Forms.TCustomForm.AfterConstruction + $11
[00404999] System.System.@AfterConstruction + $1D
[007A66B0] Main.Main.TMainForm.Create (Line 262, “Main.pas” + 18) + $4B
[0048FB1D] Forms.Forms.TApplication.CreateForm + $31
(004CDADB) [008CEADB]


Seems like the ID3 tag is broken. You can try to remove it completely (with Winamp or mp3tag).

That’s what I thought when I saw the [008B07F1] JvID3v2Base.JvID3v2Base.ID3Error (Line 2665, "JvID3v2Base.pas" + 4) + $E error.

The ID3 tag was actually broken, I’ve reburned the Mp3 and it’s now working.

Thank you anyway,

Nevertheless mAirList should just ignore the tag if it’s broken. I hope mAirList 3.x will be much better in this respect (I have tried to improve the error handling in many situations).