Help layout designer

I am a new user of mairlist, can anyone here give me a brief explanation how to change the layout of my mairlist. tried to read me up to test a bit but did not figure this out myself, hope this is the right place to put this

Start the Layout Designer and put the elements to the right position with the mouse. The correct button to hold them while dragging is the point in the middle. All other points change width or height.

An active element (ready to move) is highlighted with red points.

Choose the element by clicking on its name at the table at the right side. You can also put in the position and values how big or small the element should be right in the value fields.
Don’t forget to save the layout.

All other stuff is mathematics: The upper left corner of your screen is 0,0 and the lower right corner depends on your screen size (1680, 1050 or 1920, 1280 - whatsoever).

After having saved the new layout, please close the Layout Designer and restart mAirList.