Harmless April Fool script

It’s coming up to that time of year as I write this, and I was just poring over mairlistscript.chm, so here’s a harmless way to get even with your ‘enemies’ or rivals at your station on April 1. ;D

Copy the following ‘one-liner’ script and save it as (for example) AF.mls in your mAirList Script directory:

SetApplicationTitle('Jim is a jerk!');

Obviously you can change Jim is a jerk! to any mildly evil message you like, such as:

[ul][li]OFF AIR warning![/li]
[li]Internal error 2174[/li]
[li]Virus infection detected[/li][/ul]

or even:

[ul][li]Animal Porn Finder[/li][/ul]

It is probably a good idea to also prepare a script named AFoff.mls, where the text is mAirList: running that script will ‘restore normal service’ afterwards.

When you are operating mAirList, run your AF script when no-one is looking, then call your local techie/station manager over and ask him/her ‘what the heck is going on?!!’ whilst pointing to your PC’s Taskbar and noting the new text on mAirList’s task button.

This will probably drive the poor guy/gal crazy, so I’ll leave it up to you to decide how long you leave them panicking for!

Note some very important things about this ‘prank’ script:

  1. It absolutely DOES NOT affect ANY functionality in mAirList.
  2. It absolutely DOES NOT change ANYTHING in any config. files.
  3. It affects ONLY the currently running copy of mAirList.
  4. If mAirList is started and stopped, the taskbar button name returns to normal.*
  5. Only the taskbar button name changes, NOT the mAirList Title Bar.

*… but if they really deserve the torment, you can let your techie stop and restart mAirList, then secretly run the AF script again a few minutes later (‘hey, it’s done it AGAIN! what have you done?’ :o).


hehe, nice idea :slight_smile:


I just couldn’t think of any other practical use (as in ‘practical joke,’ geddit? ;)) for that statement! :smiley:


mh, for example you can show the actual numer of listeners for the case you are streaming. i think this is the reason why torben implement it…

or by using an event, mairlist could remember you, that your coffee is now consumable :slight_smile:

OK, you win! :smiley: