Google Maps of radio stations using mAirList


I would like to collect the locations of all radio stations around the world which use mAirList in a Google Map. Can everybody please send me the coordinates or street address of their stations? (You can also locate and mark it on Google Maps and use the E-Mail function to send it to

Here’s the URL to access the map (only two locations listed so far):,7.441686&spn=0.056519,0.111752&z=13&om=1

By the way, just like the Users page on the home page, I would like to limit this to real stations (FM or alike).


Hi Torben,

Great idea to link users to locations using Google Maps so you can see where the local users are.

What about having different symbols for the main user catagories - FM, Hospital Radio, Disco, Personal etc?


our location is correct


What about having different symbols for the main user catagories - FM, Hospital Radio, Disco, Personal etc?

Good idea! Though I will not include the (tons of) personal users, only “real” stations of any kind, running their own studio.

How i can add my studio? :smiley:

And how can I get the station I work for on the map?

Load the map, change the .de to so that you get it in English and then find your location - Zoom in so that it’s 100% accurate and then click the “Send” link at the top-right of the map. Enter Torben’s e-mail address and he’ll then have your co-ordinates.

He may also want a link to your station’s logo so that he can post it on the “Users” page of the main website :slight_smile: