Getting silence when running a recording after update


Yesterday i received an update to 7.3.5 but after the update, i get nothing but problems.

When i rub recordings (MP3) the playlist drops to silence bit odd when before the update there was no problem.

What means “rub”?

As always, please specify your action and the problem / behaviour more exactly so when can reproduce it.

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It was run but leave it i;m waiting for the next upgrade in the meantime i’ll use ProppFrexx

Ah great, why to describe an error that could be a bug and affect all users…

and fix it. :wink:

It’s like saying “My car stopped moving when I put on the light. But no matter what, I will take my wife’s car until you find a fix and upgrade the car’s software”.


Found the problem, sorry was a bit busy to solve it.

Just removed the en of the hour and tada it works like a charm

I don’t have a drivers licence :slight_smile: so i can’t talk about that.
But i resolved it by removing the end of the playlist, the same problem came also when using a live stream.