On our radio station we schedule a lot of programs. This gives a problem (as far as I know…) with the MMD files.
Let’s say: we have a program called infowo.MP3 and the duration is about 30 minutes. In the created MMD is also all information written for this track (Duration, CUE etc…). On the next week we ‘overwrite’ automatically this track with the new one. Also called infowo.MP3
Now we have a problem when the duration of the new track is about 33 minutes. The ‘old’ MMD says: CUE out= 30 minutes. At this point we will miss 3 minutes at the end. These track’s are never of the same duration.
Is there a way to force checking MMD for these track’s or to ignore? We are saving MDD every --:00:59 so a empty MMD for infowo.MP3 wouldn’t work when we automatically check for the cue points… I think. But maybe a default MMD would help?
I think this would be a useful feature as anyone (with the correct permissions) could update their ‘show’ by simply replacing a mp3 file with another one of the same name. Most of the tags (title, artist etc) will be the same but the length will of course be different each week (nominal length +/- a bit).
Is it possible perhaps to put a flag in the generic MMD file (or set the duration to 0 or -1) which would force mAirList to look at the file and automatically determine the length?
I’m afraid MMD files are not suitable for this purpose.
Why do the shows need a Cue Out point anyway? Don’t you play them until the very end?
If you were ok with a Fade Out instead, you could use Raduga-style tilde-syntax in the filenames (file~5.mp3 sets Fade Out to 5 seconds before EOF). There’s an option in the file import section of mAirListConfig for this. Author and title may be set through standard ID3v2 tags. Make sure to delete the MMD file.
OK. So if the MMD file is missing then the full length of an imported file (with a predefined name) will be played.
In most cases that sounds great and is just what is wanted. However the situation I am thinking about involves someone recording a program ‘as live’ directly on to the hard disk so that when he is finished and presses ‘stop’ there is no file saving required. I am using a program called free MP3 recorder http://www.freewarefiles.com/program_6_229_23639.html to record the audio directly to disk to avoid the long wait in saving the file (2 hour program) when it is recorded to memory then all saved at the end.
The downside to this is that there is usually some silence at the start and end of the audio file which should of course not be played out. Loading the file into an audio editor and trimming the ends would defeat the purpose of recording directly to disk!
So I was looking for mAirList to ‘trim’ the variable amount of silence off the file before determining the length playing as I think this is a possibility when tagging a file (although I have never used this feature).
Alternatively, does anyone else know of another way to do this (or a good quick audio trimmer program?)
[quote=“Torben, post:3, topic:4668”]I’m afraid MMD files are not suitable for this purpose.
Why do the shows need a Cue Out point anyway? Don’t you play them until the very end?
If you were ok with a Fade Out instead, you could use Raduga-style tilde-syntax in the filenames (file~5.mp3 sets Fade Out to 5 seconds before EOF). There’s an option in the file import section of mAirListConfig for this. Author and title may be set through standard ID3v2 tags. Make sure to delete the MMD file.[/quote]
These tracks don’t need any CUE settings for us… so if this can ignored in anyway AND also don’t save
any information into a MMD file when saving the rest of the MMD’s in the playlist… (I know: I want something that doesn’t exist or isn’t even possible.) :-[
I tried the ~5 and it works only when you don’t save the MMD files like the way we do. We don’t want to set the CUE’s (MMD) for all music tracks manually. We will load every hour a playlist into mAirList and in 15 seconds, in the most worse situation, all the CUE info will be created. At --:00:59 we save these MMD files so that mAirList can use these when meting the same track in a ‘future playlist’. After a couple of months all the tracks will have there own MMD file. Loading of the playlist will go faster and faster in the future. This works perfect for us. When most of the tracks have there own MMD we can start to manually ad some missing MMD’s.
Well… I think there’s a small problem for me. Deleting the MMD automaticly after the track was playing would also be possible but I don’t want to (maybe I need to…).
I didn’t sleep well tonight… I was only thinking about this issue. But I think I found a solution for my problem. We’re saving the MMD’s every hour. I have to bring that back to only saving between 0:00 and 8:00 Hrs. At these hours there’s only music and would saving be effective enough.
And for the script which is saving the MMD’s:
[code]var i: integer;
for i := 0 to CurrentPlaylist.GetCount - 1 do
But isn’t it possible to put in some extra code that tells the script to look for duration time?;
[code]if (duration is smaller than xxxxxxxxx)
save (MMD)
else (don’t save)
I don’t know anything about scripting… but maybe this is possible.
Why do you save the MMD data automatically anyway?
Usually, for “normal” audio like music, this is only done once, and also manually, when importing the file into the library for the first time. Later, the MMDs should never be touched, unless you decide to make permanent changes to the cue data etc.
Of course, you can adapt your script so that it ignores items with a duration greater than a certain threshold, files from certain directories etc.
var i: integer;
for i := 0 to CurrentPlaylist.GetCount - 1 do
if GurrentPlaylist.GetItem(i).GetDuration < 6000000000 then
Yeah, that’s a big numer The units are “one 10,000,000th of a second”, so the above number corresponds to 10 minutes (unless I forgot any 0s
Well, we are a bit lazy : We didn’t add the MMD’s manually before using the music. Loading a playlist without these MMD’s needs about 15~20 seconds and therefore we need these MMD’s. With these MMD’s loading takes about 1 second. In about 1 or 2 months all tracks will have a MMD and I can remove the saveMMD script and add manually the missing MMD’s.
Usually, for "normal" audio like music, this is only done once, and also manually, when importing the file into the library for the first time. Later, the MMDs should never be touched, unless you decide to make permanent changes to the cue data etc.
Of course, you can adapt your script so that it ignores items with a duration greater than a certain threshold, files from certain directories etc.
var i: integer;
for i := 0 to CurrentPlaylist.GetCount - 1 do
if GurrentPlaylist.GetItem(i).GetDuration < 6000000000 then
Yeah, that’s a big numer The units are “one 10,000,000th of a second”, so the above number corresponds to 10 minutes (unless I forgot any 0s