Fixed voicetracks

Hello mAirlist-people!
Is it possible to prerecords voicetracks, which will be played as intros to specific songs
Every time mAirlist plays a specific song (Springsteen: Born in the USA) it should play a fixed VoiceTrack. When mAirlist plays this music track with Springsteen it should play SpringsteenBorn_Intro and after: SpringsteenBorn_Outro (maybe other file names)
Is that possible in mAirlist?
Then I could speak intros in andvance, andmAirlist could finde these, when generating playlists…
(mAirlist 6)
Best regards

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You can bundle them in Containers and schedule the Container instead of the Music Track.

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I also used Stationplaylist before. It had a lot of nice features. This was one of them. However not looking back. :wink:

I’ve thought more about your question. Is it not possible to use the ‘Actions on Start/Stop’ in the ‘Playback’ >File>Play File?
You already have the voicetracks on your disk so give it a try. The only problem could be that it is not playing over the intro, like a real voicetrack.

[update: i tested it in the playout and it did not have the behaviour i thought it should have. Played the voicetrack, but skipped the song. I don’t know why]


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“Actions on Start” won’t work, because it is done when (!) the track has started, not before.

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Ha ha, you are fast. I just updated the post. :innocent:

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