[fixed] BUG: Build 497 - List index out of bounds (26)

Hallo Torben

I’ve found the following two bugs:

First Bug:
Select all elements (Ctrl-A) and move this

List index out of bounds (26)

Dienstag, 14. Oktober 2008, 21:50:46

Program Version 3.0.0 Build 497

Call stack:

[00640F93] JclHookExcept.JclHookExcept.DoExceptNotify (Line 220, “JclHookExcept.pas” + 13) + $D
[004049A9] System.System.@AfterConstruction + $1D
[004231E9] Classes.Classes.TList.Move + $21
[00641077] JclHookExcept.JclHookExcept.HookedRaiseException (Line 251, “JclHookExcept.pas” + 3) + $D
[004231E9] Classes.Classes.TList.Move + $21
[0042303D] Classes.Classes.TList.Error + $2D
[004231E9] Classes.Classes.TList.Move + $21
[004BB15D] Playlist.Playlist.TPlaylist.Move (Line 367, “Playlist.pas” + 6) + $9
[005D07F9] PlaybackTreeView.PlaybackTreeView.TPlaybackTreeView.DoDragDrop (Line 1397, “PlaybackTreeView.pas” + 26) + $18
[005D0849] PlaybackTreeView.PlaybackTreeView.TPlaybackTreeView.DoDragDrop (Line 1404, “PlaybackTreeView.pas” + 33) + $6
[00542050] VirtualTrees.VirtualTrees.TBaseVirtualTree.GetDisplayRect (Line 24393, “VirtualTrees.pas” + 58) + $18
[00479728] Controls.Controls.TWinControl.GetClientOrigin + $18
[0052EF7B] VirtualTrees.VirtualTrees.TBaseVirtualTree.CMDrag (Line 14754, “VirtualTrees.pas” + 61) + $3A
[00472EA3] Controls.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $2BB
[0048CF0D] Forms.Forms.TraverseClients + $61
[0042EAC9] Classes.Classes.TComponent.UpdateAction + $D
[0048CEC5] Forms.Forms.TraverseClients + $19
[0048CF0D] Forms.Forms.TraverseClients + $61
[0048CF62] Forms.Forms.TCustomForm.CMActionUpdate + $3A
[00472EA3] Controls.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $2BB
[00476D05] Controls.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $499
[0053FD92] VirtualTrees.VirtualTrees.TBaseVirtualTree.WndProc (Line 23061, “VirtualTrees.pas” + 32) + $6
[0043B7B8] Graphics.Graphics.FreeMemoryContexts + $98
[00476490] Controls.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[0042F418] Classes.Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[0046F129] Controls.Controls.DragMessage + $45
[0046FBA7] Controls.Controls.DragDone + $223
[0046E8A6] Controls.Controls.TDragObject.WndProc + $92
[0046E98D] Controls.Controls.TDragObject.MainWndProc + $1D
[0042F418] Classes.Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[0042FC92] Contnrs.Contnrs.TComponentList.GetItems + $A
[004904D8] Forms.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage + $FC
[00490512] Forms.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage + $A
[00490732] Forms.Forms.TApplication.Run + $96
[0079D313] CoreGUIMainWindows.CoreGUIMainWindows.TBasePlayoutMainWindowClass.DoRun (Line 100, “CoreGUIMainWindows.pas” + 44) + $7
[00402F68] System.System.@GetMem + $4
[0079D40D] CoreGUIMainWindows.CoreGUIMainWindows.TPlayoutMainWindowClass.Run (Line 116, “CoreGUIMainWindows.pas” + 1) + $8
[00990898] mAirList.mAirList.MainWindow (Line 92, “C:\projects\mAirList\trunk\mAirList.dpr” + 13) + $C
(0059A6AE) [0099B6AE]

Second Bug:
Select some elements and move them. These are now sorted wrong


Well, the old move problem… Let’s see if b498 does better :wink:

Well, it seems to work… but the moving items are also added to the Recycle Bin :slight_smile:

Will be fixed in b499.

good work