Filedescription for .mlp file format


Are there any schemafile for .mlp fileformat?

I have a program and i need to export to mlp format.
I need to know exampel the format for duratin tag and so on.

Patrik Ekman
Vårgårda Sweden

No, there’s no schema or documentation (yet), because in theory, there’s no point at which the user is supposed to create or edit the XML files. You may do so, of course, but you have to reverse engineer the file format :slight_smile: It’s pretty straightforward though.

All duration and marker values are in units of 10,000,000 (the infamous mAirList time unit, derived from DirectX).

If you have any other question about particular parts of the XML format, feel free to ask. But I cannot give you a complete documentation right now.

and what is 10,000,000 in ms or seconds?

Sorry, seconds of course.

To be more precise it’s in 1/10,000,000 of a second units.


I think we got it now :slight_smile: