File lock

I now remind of another glitch that got introduced somwhere around build 559.
Files that were last in the Players are locked by mAirList even after they are cleared/removed from the playlist and Player.
This prevents the user from moving a file or even stop the USB device with the concerned songs.
Workaround is to load other files from the local disk into the players in order to stop the USB device.

A quick try for reproduction of the glitch is following:
-Load a song into the empty playlist
-Clear the playlist via the “New” Button
-Try to move the file to another folder


Is this with or without file management enabled?

Sorry Torben,

file managment means nothing to me. Is this an option in mAirList? Then please point me to where I can find it.
I cannot remember having enabled such a function since…


Yes, it’s in mAirListConfig in the “misc” section.

OK found it.

It’s enabled. I disabled it and tried again, same result.
The OS message I get when moving a file that was previously in the player is:
Cannot move “Filename”: It is being used by another person or program.

I then have to put other songs into the player in order to get access to the file again.
Same for dismounting an USB stick.
It should be easy to reproduce this.


Serge: When you say: ‘Load a song into the empty playlist,’ precisely how are you doing that ‘load?’

Is it by dragging the file from the mAirList Browser, by dragging the file from an Explorer window, or some other method?


It doesn’t matter from where I drag it into the playlist. Normally fom the mAirList Browser.

Hmm, I now wonder if nobody can reproduce this… I can reproduce the problem on several machines.
It’s been introduced since build 559 or something. I still have Build 555 here on my laptop and this release does not lockup anything.


I presume that you are using V3 of mAirList (I’m still on V2).

Are there ANY apps. (other than mAirList) running on your PC when you have the ‘file locked’ problems? I don’t mean that question to sound silly or rude, nor am I saying it is NOT a mAirList bug, I’m just trying to eliminate all other possibilities which could be causing the problem!


No Problem CAD, I hear what you’re saying. ;D
Yes, I’m on V3. And it is related to mAirList because when I load other songs into the empty players, the files in question get unlocked.


I still haven’t looked at this, so this might be a real bug, and most likely introduced in one of the recent builds.

Sorry, no news about this yet, last week was very busy but this week will be better :slight_smile:

No Problem for me. Anyhow it’s a minor item ;D
Our people know the workarounds by now…


Sorted out now, thanks.