Hi Ryan, as you also contacted D&R you may already have received this reply but here is a copy.
You need to change jumper 17 which is illustrated in the attached picture.
Access to the insides, only remove the bolts below the faders (3) that hold the chassis/frame and the ones on the bottom then you can remove the chassis and access Jumper J17. This is illustrated by a picture Duco has forwarded but once resized you cannot see the detail so PM for this.
Seems to be a 4-pin jumper - Notice the “Pulse” label to the left of the yellow jumper ? Well, there’s a “Cont” label to the right of the 2 spare pins. So you’d need to take the yellow jumper off pins 1+2 and place it on pins 3+4.
I still think the underside of the chassis is the way to go - pull off one of the rotary pots, chances are there is a nut locking it to the chassis - in which case the PCB will almost certainly be attached meaning that the base is indeed the correct route to take… Failing that, upload some pics of the Airmate!
We’ve begun to take apart the desk…unscrewed the three screws below the faders, and then thought we should go top way in as i can’t see a way of getting in the bottom or any other way for that matter. The knobs have small bolts underneath the actual plastic covers which seem to have to come off which is taking a while! So at the moment the inside bit is fine jumper wise etc as you both have been very helpful, but getting inside seems to be the greatest mission!
I don’t think removing every knob is the way in - there should be a much faster way into the chassis - the trick is to see how it’s put together. Generally, the knobs are secured to the front panel AND the PCB for space and to ensure that the parts do not get worn through over torque etc.
Looks like the sides and bottom are one piece and the top, front and rear another… I’d say that the top and rear all come away together (keeping all the buttons/sockets as one)… What’s under the rack holes ?
Hi Ryan, nearly missed this. Prior to using the faderstarts for mAirList where there used for anything else?
If so the pins on jumper 17 may already be across pins 3+4. Once you get inside if this is the case, reverse the jumper so pins 1+2 are enabled.
We should also realise that any other faderstart used for another function may fail to work as it currently does, because any jumper changes on this mixer are global and not per fader.
The only other faderstarts which are being used are to a CD player which i think also has the same problem, as it will start, but not stop unless done manually on the CD player itself, so hopefully we should kill two birds with one stone here.
And yes, if and when we are able to get inside, i’ll have a look and inform of what it is on etc. Maybe it will have already been modified, who knows.
And yes, i understand that it is globally done throughout the mixer, but we shall see the effect soon i hope. Hopefully everything should work like a charm!
Same group! Bauer (former emap), Rado City 96.7. Same desks- logitek mosaic! Very swish if i say so myself! And yes, the Logiteks can do it via their audio engine too! Shame the Airmate isn’t that good haha! Analogue for you :
They were nice, i never got to use the new generation ones though like at Metro etc. City still had the blocky 1st gen ones from 2000 which are now heaped up in the racks room gathering dust haha! Didn’t they stop them due to using high amounts of lead in them? Broke UK law etc, but the US was unaffected haha!
Hi Ryan and Charlie, will hopefully know how to get at the insides of the Airmate tomorrow.
Found an Ex BBC Engineer who has one at home. He promises to have a look and advise, but adds to have a pair of long nosed pliers ready as things are tight inside.
I’ve belatedly read this thread and yes, swapping the jumper should make the fader ‘work’ mAirList as you wish.
However, do you really need the ‘stop by fader drop’ function? Many radio desks use a ‘single pulse on fader lift’ system and indeed your Airmate was shipped that way. Generally speaking, if you fade a track early, it has ~1 min to run or less; so you’re unlikely to run out of players (or are you?!!).
Th usual reason for changing to a continuous tally signal while the fader is lifted is to support kit like your CD player which works on the ‘I’ll keep playing as long as there’s a “start” tally present’ system. In many cases, such kit has an option lurking on an obscure ‘setup’ menu internally (or a jumper) to swap it to ‘I’ll start playing start on a single pulse and keep playing (usually to end of track)’ system instead.
In all honesty, you are right there, but i’ve been so used to ‘stop’ when the fader is dropped in many circumstances and desks i have used, but that’s of course my own preference.
The reason i think it would be better this way, is for ease of use for presenters and also for circumstances when doing the news with 3 different beds, clips and stabs etc. Also, i think this will do the same to the CD player and cue when dropped.
Thanks, Ryan!
P.S- No reply from D&R yet about getting into Fort Knox!