External stream - songinfo

we do not use the internal stream encoder of mairlist for the moment.

On normal broadcast days the software outputs a TXT file that I then use to feed to my Zipstream + obs studio.
This works like a charm … but there is one issue.

When we broadcast from a different location we stream the audio to the studio.

Mair plays the stream without any issues but I cannot get the mp3 tag from the stream to output to my TXT file.
Now I can rip these info from my shoutcast server in a batch script
— curl http://...:8000/currentsong?sid=1 > “c:\now_playing.txt” — (this runs in a loop)
but … here is my question …

Can I somehow start my batch file at the start of the audio stream and stop it when the audio stream stops?

Or am I an idiot and is there a more easy way to do this?

Have a great day!

Kind regards,

The start should be easy, you can just trigger it from an action on start of the stream track in the playlist. Killing it is a bit of a problem, you need to somehow identify your batch script from a few other tasks, windows is running in the background.

I‘m not that familiar with scripts but instead of using curl, could we just do http get within a mAirlist Script, maybe even process it and write the txt file?
I‘m pretty much facing the same problem, even mAirlist stream monitor is passing through the meta data, I can‘t grab them and put them elsewhere.
Icecast has a Playlist history on the roadmap for the next major release but it is far from being ready I guess.