Extended Button / Execute Command

I’ve created a custom screen object extended button with toggle action. The idea is to load a “m3u” playlist into PLAYLIST 2 on first click, and if the presenter should have clicked in error to clear the entire PLAYLIST on the second click.
Action on activated is: Load playlist(m3u playlst) - This works fine.
Action when deactivated is:-
Execute command (PLAYLIST 2 CURSOR UP)
Execute command (PLAYLIST 2 SHIPTOHERE)
Execute command (PLAYLIST 2 DELETE)
This deactivation sequence still leaves one item in the playlist, however, if a second button is created with the only action of
Execute command (PLAYLIST 2 DELETE) this does clear the last item.
Any ideas?


How about putting an emtpy m3u or mlp somewhere on disk and then use the “Load playlist” action to load it (and clear the playlist)?

Yes that works, thanks for the quick reply.