Expose item 'created' field

Looks like the database has a ‘created’ field. Can this be exposed in the Database UI and the HTTP API?

Use case - Music managers like to try and sort by “oldest” sometimes when sorting through playlists. Oldest being the items ingested “the longest time ago”.

Similar/Same request at Database - Date created / modified

How about exposing any of the existing fields configurably (right click, checkbox)? You, @Torben, had the work only once and no more questions after yet more fields every few weeks.

Comprehensive regards


@Torben Would something like this be possible? If not I will implement our own attribute containing the same data.


Checked the code, and unfortunately it is not easily possible to expose these fields due to the way the data flows through the various layers of the database connection.

Thanks - That’s fine, I’ve worked around it by pulling the ‘created’ field into a custom attribute via a timed script.