Exporting playlists for rights society (SACEM, GEMA,...)

Hello from France.
I am looking for a way to export all my playlists for the whole year, in order to have all I have broadcast in 2018. This is for the different Rights Societies in France.
The result must be in one csv file. I have a list of all the fields that are needed and their length (in characters), but so far Ihaven’t a clue of how I can manage to export ALL the playlists in ONE file including the artist name, the title of the song the composer and so on.

I am sure some radios/webradios have the same obligation to produce such a document by the end of each year, so if anybody could help, that would be great.
Thanks !

A reporting tool will come to mAirList (Professional) in the upcoming version 6.2. We have built in the particular export formats for Germany (GEMA) and Norway (GRAMO) already, and we’re happy to receive format specifications for other countries so we can add them as well.

Hi, thanks Torben.
Any idea of a release date for 6.2 ?

I attached a translation of the file requirements. Unfortunately, I haven’t (yet) the file itself to send you.

SCPP file (translation).doc (40 KB)

I just upgraded to 6.2.7 and I saw the promised report tools is there. But I still can’t see any way to get the legal report I need. I have a list of ALL items played (songs as well as jingles, commercials and also recorded shows) with the scheduled time of each item.
For instance, if “Yesterday” by the Beatles was aired 125 times during the year (that’s the period I need), then I get 125 lines with “Yesterday”.
What I need is the total plays of each song, along with the duration of the song, the label, the ISRC code and the Composer details. All the details are contained in my original post.
Is there a way to have some news quickly ? The report is due for the end of March.
Thanks a lot.

Thanks for reporting. Torben will fix it shortly.

@Clogfan Do you have a link to an official source for the format description? (French language is OK for me.)

Hi Torben.
I tried to find something official on the net, but nothing can be downloaded so far.
Have a look a the attached document I sent in my Dec '18 post. This is a quick translation I made from the 2019 official document I received for last year.
I can try to get my contract with the SCPP (which is the rights management society I have a contract with) for 2020 in order to help you.

Can you please send the 2019 official French document to info@mairlist.com or upload at http://www.mairlist.com/upload. Thank you.

I appreciate your efforts regarding the translation, but we do need the official specification as well.

@Clogfan, did you read?

Hi Torben.
There have been some very recent changes in this topic : The society (SCPP) which was asking for the annual report is no longer in charge. This is very recent (it dates back from last week, the very day I reactivated this topic !) and it seems the annual report is no longer needed for small web-radios like us.
The new society (SPRE) in charge has confirmed it didn’t need a report but the previous society might still want one… A typical french situation :slight_smile:
So, wait and see. I am waiting for some news by the end of the week.
Anyway; thanks for dealing with this subject :grinning:

But maybe @Torben likes to employ this feature for other users, so you might want to comply his request, please. :slightly_smiling_face:

Grateful regards