Exporting generated playlists from scripts


Do you know if it exists any way to export generated playlist (from a mairlistDB) to files, using mairlist scripting feature ?
I know I can generate playlist automatically (using events), but I would like to export some of these hour playlists into files (mlp extension) using some variable substitution pattern…

Not sure it’s possible. I didn’t see nothing like that in the chm help file for scripts…
For the best use case, I would like to trigger it automatically (so is my question). If not possible, I will do it manually using mairlist DB UI.

Objective : exporting playlist from some hours of the day, in order to re-play it later.
Example : exporting the tuesday 10-12 logs for planning to broadcast them again another day, at another time.


Just for not letting request without answer…

After some search, it seems to not be possible… but maybe the non up-to-date chm file doesn’t give me all required methods…
