Export to database problem

Is there a way to refresh the playlist? I ask this because when I PFL a file in the playlist and edit some settings (like adding a year and setting cue points) and then do a “Export to Database”, the changes are not visible in the playlist. Also when I PFL that same file again it looks like nothing has happened. Also when I open that same file (rightclick → PFL) in the database browser I don’t see the changes. But when I do a Refresh (with the refresh button on top of the browser) the changes are visible. That’s why I am looking for a refresh option in the playlist.

Even when I save the playlist after these changes and reopen it, the change are not visible.

If I move a track in the player and click PFL and edit the cuepoints and click database, it is directly visible, also in the playlist.

Editing files with the (seperate) database app work without a problem.

Maybe it’s just a wrong setting on my side.

Hi Rene,

I couldn’t reproduce the error/behaviour. Every change in my playlist is reflected right after closing the PFL or Preference windows of the playout and in the browser

  • What kind of database do you use (localDB, sql, mmd files?)
  • how is your playout cocnected to the database?
  • did you upgrade to the last recent version of mAirList (7.3.3)?

Hi Stefan,

I was at version 7.3.0, I just upgraded to 7.3.3 and now this problem is solved. I could have figured this out myself :person_facepalming:

But thanks anyway

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No problem, you’re welcome :blush:

Thx for the feedback!

1,5 Month further and I have the same problem. Only this time there is no update, what can be the problem now?

Hi Rene, I know it sounds boring but there are still open questions: :wink:

Hi Stefan,

I use the localDB, I have the Advanced Plus (Home) version.

The second question is not very clear to me, can you explain more?

I think the question here is rather “How do you plan the playout or how exactly does your music get in there from the database?”

Event? Drag&Drop?

If I’m thinking wrong here, Stefan can correct me again.

As I didn’t know about your setup I needed to know if you are using a remote playout (database on a server) or if everything is on one / the same local workstation.

Anyhow, I was able to reproduce the behaviour by NOT clicking OK but “Cancel” after exporting to database.

Did you try to click “OK” instead of “Cancel” to close the window? Then it should work like you want to.

I only use drag & drop, no events at all on my system.

The database is local however, my music is stored on a NAS.

When I right click a file in the browser and click properties, set the cue points and click Export to Database I cannot click OK, it’s greyed out.

First: Did this

solve the problem within the playlist?

Second (and yes, these are two different things):

Yes, because mAirList gives you the opportunity to:

a) change elements ONLY for the current playout playlist, so you i.e. could change intros for a longer ramp than you set up for the automation WITHOUT affecting the settings in the database (by just clicking OK after you made changes to the element)

b) export those changes into the database so it’s saved for future use (and scheduling) too

So when you change settings in the browser they are not in the playlist and mAirList couldn’t save a “temporarily” setting but save the new settings only to the database.

I think Stefan has explained it correctly already.

Clicking “Export to database” will take the current state as shown in the Properties dialog, and flush it into the DB library as “default properties” for future use.

Clicking “OK” will save it (only) for the current playlist.

You cannot edit items from the browser, that’s why the button is grayed out.

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Ok, then maybe I didn’t understand it correctly.

When I do the changes in the playlist and click Export to Database and then OK. This is reflected in the Playlist.

But what isn’t working (and maybe I still do not understand that); when I open the properties of a file in the browser and change cue points, then Export to Database and Close it (with Cancel or the cross at the topright). Then drag that same track to the playlist, it is still not reflected there. Also not when I click refresh in the browser and drag the file after the refresh. But maybe that’s what Torben meant with “You cannot edit items from the browser”…?

You can’t edit them right in the browser. The browser is ment for a quick search / finding / dragging.

If an element is already in the playlist it will not refresh automatically because mAirList would need to check all elements over and over for changes in the database.

I’m always glad to get other workarounds. Maybe you could explain to me why you want to edit an element in the browser that‘s already in the PL instead of just double-click it there and make all changes - including the refreshing of the element? :slightly_smiling_face:

If it’s not possible in the browser why is there the possibility to export at all?

I can explain why I would want to edit in the browser. Sometimes I’m looking for a track and I really don’t know all the songs only from artist/title. So I first want to listen to those tracks for a short moment and since I already opened the properties why not directly set the cue points? If I want to play that specific song I have to close the properties dialogue drag it to the playlist and open it again to set the cue points. That makes no sense.

And I think I’ve done it this way multiple times.

Thank you, now I understood the problem much better. And yes, that makes no sense for me too. Even when you changed the element in the external database app it will not reflect the changes when you open its properties right in the browser or drag it in the PL without refreshing the browser window.

I just forwarded my concerns to Torben. :wink:

Some suggestion for a first work-around: Do you know that there is a PFL screen object for a quick preview? It plays the song preview much faster than the properties window.

Just drag the file on it from the browser and it will automatically start to play.

If you like the song put in the playlist and edit the cue points (I always did it like that so I never ran into the problems you discovered).

It can be added to the main screen in the GUI section of the configuration app:

Don’t forget to set the audio channel in the audio routings:

Thanks Stefan for this tip! I wasn’t aware of the PFL screen object and what a speed it plays the tracks, wow :smiling_face: This is a keeper!

I’m happy with this!

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Great, you’re welcome!